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Know the Current Disruption in Digital Marketing Strategies

By 2018, nearly 60% of urban Indians are already regular internet users, while only 18% of India’s rural population accesses the web regularly. It is estimated that India’s internet user base will rise to 635.8 million by 2021, driven largely by a new rural audience accessing the internet for the first time. Continuous reduced costs of data and cheaper mass-market smartphones are expected to foster a new generation of digital natives, with different usage patterns than their urban counterparts. Digital Marketing Agencies in India must seriously pay attention to tap rural market while designing their campaigns.
Digital marketers have the potential to help businesses engage with customers more effectively and efficiently if they understand their target audience likes and dislikes.

This is why the most remarkable and effective digital marketing campaigns are innovative. Businesses aiming to become market leaders can’t be followers; they must constantly push boundaries and do things differently. The best way to convert a lead into a customer is to be innovative and unique in how a brand communicates to the audience. Similarly, the best way to avail the digital marketing opportunity is to be strategic, innovative and dynamic


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