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To app or not to app?

The boom in technology has led to an immense increase in smartphone sales which has helped create the mobile application industry. These days almost every business is considering launching a mobile application that can help in digital marketing. Various digital marketing agency in India are helping businesses come up with apps that can boost their sales. However, making or buying an application is not as easy as it sounds even in such a technologically advanced world. It is a crucial business decision that needs to be taken with utmost care and thought. 

With an app for almost everything from health to entertainment, flooding the application store with an app that is similar to many others is not the best way to progress. Your app needs to be unique and exciting in such a way that consumers flock to your app and not any other.

To app or not to app is a question that almost all businesses are grappling with. Here are a few questions you must ask yourself before making your decision-

1) What does my app offer that other apps don't offer?

Uniqueness is the need of the hour. Everyone is innovating and trying to come up with something never seen before. In order to make your app stand out, you need to figure out what your unique selling point is. If you feel that what you are planning to take out is already well established in the market, then it might be time to reconsider introducing an application for your business.

2) Is it an extremely important marketing tool for my business?

Having an app that any user can easily download out in the market does not ensure good digital marketing. You need to see how well it can aid marketing strategies of your business. If it seems like an app can do more than what any other marketing strategy can accomplish, then maybe it's time for your business to go digital.

3) How many people will it reach?

At the end of the day, it is all about the consumer. Understanding the needs of your consumer base is vital before introducing an application. If analysis suggests that you will be able to reach more consumers through an application, then go ahead and make an application.

4) Is it easier to just make a highly responsive mobile website?

While making the final decision, many companies realize that they don't actually need an app since they can do what they want to do with a good mobile website. If that is the case with your business as well, then it makes more sense to invest in a good website than spend time, energy, effort and money on developing an application that does the same.

5) Are the costs involved more than the potential benefits?

Since businesses are profit making ventures, it is important to weigh costs against benefits. Introducing an app is not a wise idea if your costs outweigh your benefits.


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